Our Team
Corinna and Lisa joined forces in 2016, making great use of their complimentary personalities and assets. Every mortgage application is completed by the team, allowing clients to benefit from a variety of strengths and years of experience in the industry.

Corinna Smith-Gatcke Mortgage Agent Level 2 – #M08001535
Corinna graduated from St. Lawrence College with a Business Administration diploma in 1998. After relocating to Toronto to work as a Marketing and Sales Coordinator for one of Canada’s first mortgage brokerages, she developed a passion for mortgages. Identifying a need for mortgage solutions in the Brockville area, Corinna returned home to offer her services as a Mortgage Agent in 2000. Decades of experience has provided a sound foundation of product knowledge paired with long lasting relationships with lenders and industry partners, allowing her office to provide the most suitable mortgage solutions for their clients. She understands that there is no one size fits all approach to mortgages, but genuinely enjoys the challenge of making dreams a reality.
Born and raised on a farm in Lansdowne, Corinna is no stranger to hard work and dedication. Corinna now enjoys beautiful views of the St. Lawrence River from both the office and her home with her husband and two sons. With a desire to help people, Corinna has dedicated her time not only to her family and the mortgage industry, but also as the Mayor of the Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands.

Lisa began her career in the financial services industry in 2013 after graduating from the University of Guelph with a Bachelor of Commerce degree, specializing in Real Estate and Housing. With an interest in all things real estate, she joined The Mortgage Advisors in 2016 before becoming a licensed Mortgage Agent in 2017. She understands the importance of identifying the unique needs and objectives of each client and provides sound advice to help accomplish their goals. Lisa uses her careful consideration and strong attention to detail to underwrite mortgage applications, running different scenarios to best structure each client’s mortgage. Lisa was awarded Canada’s Top [Licensed] Mortgage Assistant in 2020.
Born and raised in the Brockville area, Lisa now resides locally with her husband and daughter. She enjoys spending plenty of time with her family, with her time alone spent crafting. Lisa’s creativity prompts many DIY projects at home but is also put to good use as a Mortgage Agent where each scenario differs.